Linux is the operating system that powers over 90% of websites on the internet. If you’ve ever hosted a website before, then you probably have some level of experience with Linux in the form of it’s more user-friendly cousin: cPanel.
To become an expert at cloud computing, however, you’ll have to learn how to operate Linux servers without the help of a graphical user-interface such as cPanel. Although it may sound intimidating at first, getting comfortable with operating Linux servers starts with getting comfortable using the Linux Shell.
What is the Linux Shell/Terminal?

The Linux shell, also commonly referred to as the ‘terminal‘ is the gateway to the back-end of your web server. It uses a ‘command-line-interface’, which doesn’t include the pretty-icons and user friendly experience found in ‘
Getting Started
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic Linux commands for beginners who are getting started in Cloud Computing. Each of the commands listed in this tutorial are the most commonly used commands in the WordPress on Google Cloud tutorials on
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1. User Permissions

command is used to run a single command with root permissions. In the example above, the command sudo
is used before the command apachectl restart
in order to grant the user the level of permissions required to restart the Apache server.
sudo -i
command is used to instill root permissions to the user for the entire duration of the SSH session. Notice how the username changes to ‘root’.2. File and Directory Management

is used to create new files. In the example above, the command touch
is used to create a new file called myfile.txt in the home directory.
is used to insert text into an existing file. In the example above, the command echo "Hello World" >> /home/myfile.txt
is used to insert the text “Hello World” into the file called myfile.txt.
is used to display the contents of a file in the terminal. In the example above, the command cat /home/myfile.txt
is used to display the contents of a file called myfile.txt.
is used to create new directories. In the example above, the command mkdir /home/mydirectory
is used to create a directory called mydirectory inside of the home directory.
is used to move files. In the example above, the command mv /home/myfile.txt /home/mydirectory
is used to move the file called myfile.txt into the directory called mydirectory. NOTE: Remember to move your myfile.txt file back to the home directory. You can do this by running mv /home/mydirectory/myfile.txt /home

is used to list directory contents. In the example above, the command ls /home/mydirectory
is used to list the contents of the directory called mydirectory.
is used to download repositories to your Linux machine. In the example above, the command wget
is used to retrieve the certbot-auto repository from and download it to my virtual machine.
is used to locate a file or directory. In the example above, the command find / -type f -name wp-config.php
is used to locate the file called wp-config.php.
find / -type d -name etc
is used to locate the directory called etc.
is used to retrieve information about a file or directory. In the example above, the command stat -c "%a %n" /home/myfile.txt
is used to find the permission level of the file called myfile.txt.
stat -c "%a %n" /home/mydirectory
is used to determine the permission level of the file called mydirectory.
is used to modify file and directory permissions. In the example above, the command chmod 755 /home/myfile.txt
is used to change the permission level of the file called myfile.txt to 755.
chmod -R 755 /home/mydirectory
is used to change the permission level of the directory called mydirectory to 755. By adding -R, the command becomes recursive, meaning that all of the files contained inside of the directory will inherit the permission changes.
command is used to delete a file or directory. In the example above, the command rm /home/myfile.txt
is used to delete the file called myfile.txt from the home directory.
command rm -R /home/mydirectory
is used to delete the directory called mydirectory and all of it’s contents.3. Apache Server Management

command is used to control the behavior of your Apache server. In the example above, the command sudo apachectl start
is used to start your Apache server.
sudo apachectl stop
is used to stop your Apache server.
sudo apachectl restart
is used to restart your Apache server.
sudo apachectl configtest
is used to check if your Apache server is configured properly.
series of commands are used to make changes to your HTTP server, and are oftentimes used interchangeable with the apachectl
commands. In the example above, the command httpd -v
is used to check the current version of Apache currently running on the server.
httpd status
is used to check the health of your Apache server.Bitnami Apache Server Configurations

is used to control the behavior of your Apache servers running Bitnami stacks, in the same way that apachectl is used in the previous examples. In the example above, the command /opt/bitnami/ start apache
is used to start an Apache server running a Bitnami WordPress stack.
sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop apache
is used to stop an Apache server running a Bitnami WordPress stack.
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache
is used to restart an Apache server running a Bitnami WordPress stack.
sudo /opt/bitnami/ status
is used to check the health of an Apache server running a Bitnami WordPress stack.4. Virtual Machine Management

lsb_release -a
is used to check the current version of the virtual machine’s Linux operating system.
is used to check the available disk space on a machine.
command is used to show the different options available for a specific command. In the example above, the command man ls
is used to view information about the options available for the ls
command.Did it Work?
This is just a small list of the most commonly used Linux commands, there are literally hundreds more!
If you thought of any important commands that were missing from the list, or if you would like to share a question or comment, please post your message below!
Ahmed Bazuhair says
Hi I can not do anything when I enter sudo telling me it was not connected
Do you have any ideas to solve this problem.
Leron Amin says
Hi Ahmed,
When you enter
it needs to be followed by a command, for examplesudo mkdir jsfiles
would make a directory called ‘jsfiles’. Does this answer your question? If not, please share more details about the error message.Thanks,
Ahmed Bazuhair says
See elcome to Cloud Shell! Type “help” to get started.
was12382 @ endless-cabinet-198419: ~ sudo apachectl restart
sudo: apachectl: The command does not exist
Leron Amin says
Hi Ahemed,
You’re seeing that error because you’re running the command in cloud shell. The command needs to run in the shell that is specific to the VM instance that you wish to connect to.
Navigate to Compute Engine > VM Instances, then click the SSH button next to the instance you wish to connect to.
Hope this helps 🙂
Ahmed Bazuhair says
root@oilyemen-vm:~# ØŒ stat -c “%a %n” /home/myfile.txt
-bash: ،: command not found
root@oilyemen-vm:~# stat -c “%a %n” /home/myfile.txt
stat: cannot stat ‘/home/myfile.txt’: No such file or directory
root@oilyemen-vm:~# stat -c “%a %n” /home/myfile.txt
stat: cannot stat ‘/home/myfile.txt’: No such file or directory
Leron Amin says
Hi Ahmed,
The file /home/myfile.txt is just an example – this file probably doesn’t exist on your system unless you deliberately created it.
This is why you’re seeing the error message
stat: cannot stat ‘/home/myfile.txt’: No such file or directory
Hope this answers your question,
Benjamin Waller says
Hello Joe,
How are you?
I’ve been looking through is list of commands to find an answer to my current problem but can’t see how to achieve it.
On my Mac, I successfully generated ssh keys via the SSH console from my GCP project and was able to saved the public key in my project inGCP. I watched this video to do that
However, when i tried to copy the private key from .ssh folder on CGP to my desktop I got the following error: cp: cannot create regular file ‘/home/ben/Desktop/moodle-1_rsa’: No such file or directory. I think I am getting this message because the path in my computer is my system should be ~/home/benjaminwaller/Desktop/moodle-1_rsa
Do you know how i can copy from that key from GCP to my desktop when the username is different? I am trying to construct a command to do it but not sure… Someone like the following:
scp moodle-1_rsa :/Desktop/moodle-1_rsa
I found someone with a similar issue of stackoverflow and am trying to add username@ipaddress of my local desktop. And from the thread below the guy suggested cp -i so I am a bit out of my depth here.
Pls let me know if you know how I should approach this.
Best regards,
Leron Amin says
Hi Ben,
Configure Google Cloud SDK and generate the SSH keys according to the instructions in this tutorial.
This is the recommended way to secure a connection between your local machine and your Google Cloud project.
Let me know if you have any additional questions,
Leron Amin says
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